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Practice News

Patient Notice

September 23, 2020 by Dental Design

I hope that this notice finds you well and that you have been happy, healthy and Covid free over the past 6 months. It has been a challenging time for us at the practice as we have adapted to the new normal. We have made many changes, adjusting the way that the practice runs to keep our staff and our patients safe. We have risen to the challenge as a team and have become stronger as a result.

Due to the constant change in circumstances we have tried to keep our patients updated via our website and our Facebook page. As we have moved through the various stages of Covid restrictions (often with very little notice), it has been the quickest way to relay information in this digital age. News updates will continue to be posted on these platforms but please contact us at any time if you have any questions with regards your dental care.

Although we may not have seen you over the last few months we have been busy with emergency appointments and treatment. Our staff have worked non stop throughout the lock down to ensure that the provision of safe and appropriate care has been possible.

Good News! The time has come and we are now finally able to see our patients for routine care! This means that dental examinations and hygiene appointments are now possible. However, we are working under very different conditions to pre-Covid times so this is presenting it’s own challenges. In order to try and provide ‘DPAS plan’ appointments to all of our patients we are extending our opening hours. Liz is our dedicated plan administrator and will be contacting you in due course. She will working through our patient list, with those that have been waiting the longest being the first to be contacted. As you can appreciate, we have many people to contact but we will be in touch as soon as we can.

Your plan will continue as normal with all other aspects unchanged. Emergency appointments will continue to be available and as a plan patient you will be prioritised for these slots if needed. Treatment as necessary will continue to be provided.

The way in which the practice runs on a day to day basis will remain the same for the foreseeable future. All administration will continue to be conducted via phone calls and our waiting room will remain closed for now. Our staff will remain split into ‘bubbles’ and attending appointments will run slightly differently to pre-Covid times. We will of course explain this in more detail when we contact you to make your appointments.

Finally, thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate through these exceptional times. As a team, we are all looking forward to welcoming you to the practice soon!

COVID Update

June 8, 2020 by Dental Design

Dear patients,

As I sit in my garden writing this, basking in the glorious sunshine , it has made me reflect on the last two months, the good times and the bad. I should, and wish that I could be in work right now. Both Jon and I feel as though our ‘hands have been cut off’ and the frustration of not being able to help people is immense. It took a while for us, but I think that every one of us has accepted that this is just totally out of our control.

Firstly a big thank you to every one of you! I have been overwhelmed with the loyalty that you have shown and the patience and understanding that you have demonstrated when we have had to postpone appointments. It has made a difficult time tolerable knowing that you are such a great bunch of people. I also wanted to say that we will ensure that your dental health hasn’t suffered by working as hard as we can when this over to catch up on treatment, examination and hygiene appointments that we have been unable fulfil over the last 2 months. To our plan patients – a huge thank you for continuing to pay your fees as it is allowing me to keep the practice open and staffed at the moment, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

When the chips are down, you really see what humankind is capable of. I just want to give a big ‘shout out’ to my team. They really are incredible. The way that we have pulled together over the last 2 months makes me so proud. We are using skeleton staff, so some members aren’t in work at all, but the communication has been fantastic! We have a weekly “zoom” meeting (I didn’t even know what this was pre-covid!). Plans and ideas are abundant as we all eagerly await the announcement that we can fully get back to work. PPE, Hepa air filters, new routines, shift working, the list goes on. We are all determined to keep the staff and and you safe and get back to a semblance of practice life as soon as we can.

If you don’t follow our Facebook page – I urge you to! The team have all helped in preparing posts, some funny, some serious, but it shows the commitment and the passion that they have and again, I couldn’t be more proud!

On a personal level I’m grateful that the last 2 months seemed to have flown by. I think that we could all agree that the weather has been a huge help (although my farmer husband doing the rain dance as we speak, may not agree!). I have spent lots of weekend time being a ‘farmer’s wife’ and the boys have had to tag along too, but when would they ever have had an expanse of time to learn so much from their Dad? They have really enjoyed herding cattle and celebrate every successful movement with such enthusiasm, it really is a joy to watch. My Mum was a primary school teacher in St Fagans (back in the day), and she recently told me that the reason that the school summer holidays are so long is because historically in the 6 weeks we now have as holidays, there would be very few children in school – they were expected to help at home on the farms. From their school log they could see that the numbers were massively depleted during July and August.

Home schooling for me has been the biggest “covid” challenge, I take my hat off to all you teachers out there, I really look forward to my working days for respite and half term has been a welcome relief!! English has been the hardest! I use science and maths every day but I cam’t remember the last time I heard ‘onomatopoeia’.

In summary, we are all looking forward to finding our new ‘normal’ and I really hope that we can see you all soon- Stay safe.


What to Do if You Need an Emergency Appointment

December 18, 2019 by Dental Design

Sometimes disaster strikes and you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. This can be for a number of reasons.

  • You might have had an accident and knocked out a tooth.
  • You might have lost a filling.
  • You might have cracked or chipped a tooth.
  • You might be experiencing severe pain due to an abscess or infection.

Whatever the reason, we understand that sometimes you need to see a dentist right away. Your first port of call should always be to phone your usual dentist to see how quickly they can see you.

At Chepstow Dental Care, if you are a registered patient with us, we have emergency cover 352 days of the year. In case of an emergency during practice hours, please contact the practice immediately on 01291 622 450. We will always endeavour to see a patient in pain on the same day, or within 24 houurs.

If you require emergency treatment outside surgery hours, please phone 07729 803 791. If you are in the UK, but away from the practice, please phone 0800 525631. If you are abroad, please phone +44 1747 820 841 and the dental helpline will endeavour to find an English-speaking dentist to help you with your problem.

December Blog

by Dental Design

Merry Christmas From Chepstow Dental Care And 2019 it’s a Wrap!!!

We’d like to wish you a magical Christmas week from the whole Chepstow Dental team. However you’re spending the festive period, we hope you get some time to relax and recharge ready for the start of a brand new year.  It’s been a busy year for us and we are all looking forward to a great 2020.  Jon is jetting off to Australia (lucky boy!), but you will find the rest of us around over the Christmas period.

We have had a bit of fun with the Christmas decorations this year, can you spot the dental influences?!?

Christmas Treats

On the 23rd December we will be serving mulled wine and mince pies, so if you are in town doing some last minute Christmas shopping, please call in and see us!

Christmas and new year opening hours

We hope that you have a Christmas and new year free from dental troubles but if you need us we are working as follows:

Monday 23rd              7.45-16.30

Tuesday 24th              7.45-12.30

Wednesday 25th       Closed

Thursday 26th           Closed

Friday 27th                 9.00-12.30

Monday 30th                9.00-12.30

Tuesday 31st                9.00-12.30

Wednesday 1st         Closed

Lastly,  if you have a dental emergency over the festive period, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have emergency cover every day including the bank holidays. Simply call the practice and if it is when we are not open, instructions on how to get hold of us are on our answer phone message.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sian and the team

September Blog

September 6, 2019 by Dental Design

Wow, August was a busy month for us at the practice and it flew by. We are welcoming September and I am personally welcoming the return to school and with it a return to routine! We have been busy making lots of gum shields for the imminent start of the new sporting seasons. This month’s offer is for a ‘mini makeover’. Confused? No, we haven’t all retrained in the art of applying make up, it’s a smile makeover, so applies to you ‘fella’s’ out there too. I have noticed that there is a lot of chat about ‘bonding’ all over Instagram and even had a patient message and ask what it was – thinking it is a new, revolutionary treatment. I explained that she had in fact had it done years ago (by me!) but the search for a beautiful smile is so much more main stream now that we are seeing things all over social media. Try searching #compositebonding and see how much content is out there!

So, what is a ’Mini makeover’. It’s quite simply, an at home whitening treatment followed by an appointment with the dentist to shape and contour uneven teeth to improve your smile. The second part of it is done using carefully selected white filling material (so that it matches the colour of your existing teeth) and uneven teeth are filer down or built up depending on what you need. The changes that are made are subtle but can have a big effect on the overall appearance of your smile. It’s ideal before a big event such as a wedding, or you don’t want to dive straight in to extensive treatment. Take a look at some of the cases that we have completed below.

Mini makeover only £499!

Upgrade your smile with our ultimate mini-makeover -Offer includes:

Teeth Whitening
Bonding and contouring of up to 6 teeth
Call us today for more information on 01291 622450, PM us, or email info@chepstow dental.co.uk

So if you’re interested, why not come and see what we can do for you!!!

July Blog

July 1, 2019 by Dental Design

So, summer is well and truly under way, the children are looking forward to the end of term and lots of us are jetting away to sunnier climates in order to avoid the rain that we have experienced recently!!! If you are heading away and want to have a bright smile in your holiday snaps, why not have a look at what we can do for you!

We are really pleased to be offering a free Cosmetic Consultation this month (check out our Facebook and website for details). When we brainstorming ideas as a team we talked about what the general public class as ‘Cosmetic Dentistry’, and came to the conclusion that it conjured images of celebrities like Simon Cowell and Rylan Clark.

However, as professionals we can recognise that these mouths have had a lot of work done and although it can look great, this isn’t for everyone!!! As dentists we have an enormous wealth of techniques and treatments at our fingertips and improving our patients smiles doesn’t always have to cost the earth and involve lengthy treatments.

It’s all about working with the patient, understanding the concerns and evolving a treatment plan that will work for the patient and come within budget. (Although, if you want to look like Rylan, you will need a mouth full of veneers!!

Over the past year we have treated lots of cases of missing teeth, dark teeth, unsightly fillings, misaligned teeth and worn teeth just to name a few. It is such a pleasure as a clinician to help someone smile and restore their confidence by giving them a beautiful smile!

Here are a few mouths that we have treated recently:

This patient was unhappy with her smile and did not want to commit to veneers, we achieved a great result with a mini makeover that consisted of whitening, contouring and bonding.

This patient was getting married and came to see us to see if we could improve his smile. He was really happy with the result and treatment was complete in a week.

This lady wanted to change her smile totally and had her old crowns replaced and veneers on her broken teeth, combined with whitening.

This patient wanted straighter, whiter teeth so with a combination of orthodontics on the top teeth and some whitening, the results were great.

This lovely lady came to us with a broken crown. She didn’t like her front teeth as they were very worn. We replaced the broken tooth with an implant, whitened her teeth and restored her front teeth with crowns.

These are just a few cases that we have completed recently and as you can see there are lots of treatments at our fingertips. At Chepstow Dental Care we pride ourselves in taking our time to find out about our patients and providing exactly the right treatment plan for you. So, why not take advantage of this month’s offer and come and see our team to see how we can help improve your smile. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

What’s in a Check-Up?

October 3, 2018 by Dental Design

How Often Should You Go to the Dentist?

Have you ever wondered why as a profession we recommend you come back every six months? It’s because regular dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. And in between those examinations, it’s important that you work to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. If you need additional help, your dentist may even suggest more frequent visits.

What Goes On During a Dentist Visit?

Checking your teeth for tooth decay is just one part of a thorough dental examination. During your examination appointment, we evaluate the health of your gums, perform a head and neck examination (to look for anything out of the ordinary) and examine your mouth for any indications of oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies, along with other systemic diseases. Oral cancer is on the rise and early detection can mean the difference between surviving it, and not! Your dentist will also examine your face, bite, saliva and movement of your lower jaw to check the health of your jaw joints (TMJs). Your dentist or dental hygienist will then clean your teeth and stress the importance of you maintaining good oral hygiene at home between visits.

Many dentists will pay special attention to plaque and tartar. This is because plaque and tartar can build up in a very short time if good oral hygiene is not practiced between visits. Food, beverages and tobacco can stain teeth as well. If not removed, soft plaque can harden on the teeth and irritate the gum tissue. If not treated, plaque can lead to gum disease.

During your regularly scheduled dental appointments, your dentist will likely look at your gums, mouth, tongue and throat. There are several routine parts to a dental examination.

The Head And Neck Examination
Your dentist will start off by:
• Examining your face
• Examining your neck
• Checking your lymph nodes
• Checking your salivary glands
• Checking your lower jaw joints (TMJs)

The Clinical Dental Examination
Your dentist will then check the soft tissues in your mouth, including:

• Tongue
• Cheeks
• Floor of your mouth
• Palate
• Oropharynx

Next, your dentist assesses the state of your teeth and gums by:

• Examining the gums
• Looking for signs of gum disease
• Checking for loose teeth
• Looking for visual evidence of tooth decay
• Checking for broken teeth
• Checking for damaged fillings
• Looking for changes in the gums covering teeth
• Evaluating any dental appliance you have
• Checking the contact between your teeth
• Taking X-rays

Then, we look at how your teeth function:

• Jaw opening and closing, and left and right movement
• Checking your bite
• Gaps you may have
• How worn your teeth are

Lastly, if you want we look at aesthetics and if any improvements can be made.

The Dental Cleaning
During your dental visit, your dental professional cleans your mouth using these methods:

• Checking the cleanliness of your teeth and gums
• Removing any plaque and tartar
• Polishing your teeth
• Flossing between your teeth
• Reviewing recommended brushing and flossing techniques

Once your examination and cleaning have been performed, they’ll tell you about the health of your teeth and gums and then make any additional recommendations. It’s important that you see your dentist every six months and that they give you routine examination and cleaning. Remember, by seeing your dentist on a regular basis and following daily good oral hygiene practices at home, you are more likely to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

So, in a nut shell, that’s what we do. The most fulfilling part of a dentist job is keeping their patient’s mouth’s healthy with as little intervention as possible. It’s also much better to stop any problems sooner than later and early intervention is possible with regular checks and screenings.

So, Looking For a New Dentist or Not Been For a While?

It’s always scary seeing a new dentist, whether you have been going regularly or haven’t been in a long time. Our dedicated team at Chepstow Dental Care are on hand to walk you through the process. We want our patients to feel comfortable at all times and know that they are in safe hands. We pride ourselves in striving to provide that extra layer of service that we all want. If this is you, why not take advantage of our offer this month:
Book a new patient consultation and extensive new patient examination for the reduced price of £39, normally £60.


Book a new patient consultation, extensive new patient examination and 30minute hygiene appointment for £75 – worth £110

Not sure what to book? Give our treatment co-ordinator Liz a call and she will talk it through with you.

Receptionist vacancy available

January 16, 2018 by Dental Design

We are looking for a dedicated and motivated individual to join our first class team. The position is a full-time role working front of house. The individual must have people skills and an understanding of excellent customer service. Experience in the dental industry would be helpful but not essential as training will be provided. Please contact our team if you are interested on 01291 622450.

Teeth Whitening

December 1, 2017 by Dental Design

December, wow, where did that year go? Christmas will soon be on us with the hustle and bustle of shopping for presents and the crowded shops. I love this time of year, and as the decorations go up in the practice today, we also launch our Christmas Offer.

Being privileged to work in dentistry I am lucky enough to have easy access to all our range of treatments and have tried a lot of our cosmetic procedures. This year I have had my teeth straightened by Jon and am thrilled with the results!

When we were thinking of what we could offer our patients as an accessible Christmas treat, it got me to thinking about what I would like for Christmas, and the answer was obvious. I started whitening my teeth in my twenties, and when I look back at my teenage photos there is a significant difference – if I had those colour teeth now, pushing 40, it would be really ageing- so that was number 1 on my wishlist, TEETH WHITENING. The next thing that I would want is BOTOX. Again, I started having botox after the birth of my second son and I feel it has made a big difference. It really works, and it doesn’t hurt (much) – the most common questions answered! It has given me more confidence, and I now don’t stand in front of the mirror looking for the onset of more fine lines and wrinkles!

So there it is a Christmas treat (my style) – ‘Anti-wrinkle Treatment and Whitening Christmas Package’, see our offers page for details. I’ve had mine and am all ready for the festive season!!

Have a Happy, White and Wrinkle Free Christmas!!

Sian and the team

I want them white! – teeth whitening options explained

October 23, 2017 by Dental Design

These days, everyone wants whiter teeth, but what is the best way to get them white without? Searching on the internet can be confusing, max white, rapid white, pearly white and all those percentages. What is safe to use?

Whitening toothpastes

These products DO NOT affect the colour of your teeth. They can be effective at removing staining or maintaining the colour of your recently bleached teeth, but they won’t change the natural colour of your teeth. (Be wary of the smokers toothpaste, and newer charcoal toothpastes, as they can be abrasive and not good to use over long term.)
Tooth Whitening Products

A recently passed European directive made it law that only qualified dental professions can legally whiten your teeth (Jon and I fall in this category!!!) People offering tooth whitening illegally won’t be insured and they will not have the same vigorous standards of hygiene that your dental practice has. Any peroxide products over 6% are banned in the EU as they are more likely to cause teeth to become sensitive and can also cause chemical burns to your gums and cheeks. The kits you buy over the counter that contain or release up to 0.1% peroxide do nothing. Some other kits contain abrasives or acids which may look like they whiten your teeth but they do so by dissolving the top layer of your enamel!

Tooth whitening using EU approved products are the only safe and effective way of bleaching your teeth without removing any of your tooth surface. There are two options:

a)At home whitening systems (my personal favourite)

We will make you custom made trays that you fill with a gel and wear. You can select 30mins-1hr a day, or an overnight solution. You wear the trays daily for 7-10 days until your teeth are the desired shade white. We use Boutique Whitening https://www.boutiquewhitening.com/ and it costs £250.

b)In-surgery whitening.

This uses a stronger, more active peroxide gel which is then accelerated using a LED or laser light. It takes around an hour and you get the same result as wearing 14 days of trays. You will get trays at the end to top-up. We use Pola Office, www.polawhite.com, and it costs £500.

Both methods need regular top-ups to maintain the colour. I advise top ups with trays at least once every 6 months to keep your teeth shiny white!
Your whiter smile should last up to 3 years depending on your diet and whether your smoke.

Dr Sian Jones

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