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September Blog

September 6, 2019 by Dental Design

Wow, August was a busy month for us at the practice and it flew by. We are welcoming September and I am personally welcoming the return to school and with it a return to routine! We have been busy making lots of gum shields for the imminent start of the new sporting seasons. This month’s offer is for a ‘mini makeover’. Confused? No, we haven’t all retrained in the art of applying make up, it’s a smile makeover, so applies to you ‘fella’s’ out there too. I have noticed that there is a lot of chat about ‘bonding’ all over Instagram and even had a patient message and ask what it was – thinking it is a new, revolutionary treatment. I explained that she had in fact had it done years ago (by me!) but the search for a beautiful smile is so much more main stream now that we are seeing things all over social media. Try searching #compositebonding and see how much content is out there!

So, what is a ’Mini makeover’. It’s quite simply, an at home whitening treatment followed by an appointment with the dentist to shape and contour uneven teeth to improve your smile. The second part of it is done using carefully selected white filling material (so that it matches the colour of your existing teeth) and uneven teeth are filer down or built up depending on what you need. The changes that are made are subtle but can have a big effect on the overall appearance of your smile. It’s ideal before a big event such as a wedding, or you don’t want to dive straight in to extensive treatment. Take a look at some of the cases that we have completed below.

Mini makeover only £499!

Upgrade your smile with our ultimate mini-makeover -Offer includes:

Teeth Whitening
Bonding and contouring of up to 6 teeth
Call us today for more information on 01291 622450, PM us, or email info@chepstow dental.co.uk

So if you’re interested, why not come and see what we can do for you!!!

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