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Practice News

Where did 2021 go to?

February 16, 2022 by Dental Design

A very Happy New Year from all of the team, we are open and here to help.  The New Year has started with a bang and we are already incredibly busy and getting very booked up.

Lots has happened since our last post so let’s get cracking with all the details…

Liz has sadly decided to leave us in favour of partial retirement, she has been integral to the practice for a number of years and we are very sad to see her go, she will be greatly missed.  We wish you all the very Best Liz!

Jon has decided to reduce his working days and will now only be here on a Friday.  Please do not fear though as we still have our “Wonderful Sian” and a Brilliant new dentist called Maria – Welcome to the team Maria!!

We still have restricted protocols to adhere to and still require you to call us upon your arrival in the carpark, although the patient waiting room is now in use, we are only able to have a maximum of 2 patients in here at a time, this is to help the reception team manage the flow of patients in and out of the building, the extra duties of cleaning everything down between patients means that the team are having to do far more than ever before…they are certainly getting their steps in each day.  Every cloud eh!

With this in mind we have introduced some new digital forms for patients to complete before they attend their appointments with us. We will now send you a reminder by either TXT or email for your upcoming appointment and you just need to reply “yes” to confirm your attendance, contained within this message will be our new digital forms that we will need you to complete prior to your appointment, the good news is that you will be able to do this in the comfort of your own home!  The forms include Medical History, Covid protocol and personal detail questions, if you need any help with this, we are always here for you!!   We have introduced these to help reduce the workload on our wonderful reception team, which I’m sure you will all agree are doing a fantastic job!

In other exciting news we have a brand new Intra Oral Scanner, this means that we now have the capability to take patient impressions digitally, which will greatly reduce the timing between impression and fitting appointments.  We will actually be able to show you the before and after images of your teeth…the wonders of modern-day technology!

As always Thank you so much for all your continued support and loyalty, all the team are working exceptionally hard to ensure the safe and smooth running of the practice as we continue to navigate “Our new normal”

October Blog

October 9, 2019 by Dental Design

September is over and the summer is well and truly finished with.  The view from the surgery has been a wet one!  Chepstow has come to a stand still at rush hour with the gas works on St Anne’s Street and we have been mesmerised by the traffic build up over the old bridge as we have a great view from the surgery.  The work is set to go on for 6 more weeks, so if you are travelling from Lydney direction, beware, it may take longer than usual.

We had so many enquiries last month about our ‘Mini-makeover’ that we have decided to extend the offer until the end of October.

Whitening plus bonding and contouring
of up to 6 teeth – only £499!!!

Our clinicians have been busy this month on courses further developing their skills.  Sian has been keeping up to date with the new age of digital dentistry and its application to implant practice.   Jon spent a very interesting day learning about direct veneers, and we are now pleased to be offering Eidelweiss veneers at the practice.  Take a look below and if you are interested give us a call – 01291 622450, and we can talk you through the process and assess whether they are right for you.  We think that they provide a cost effective solution to enhance your smile.

DIRECT VENEERs from edelweiss is state of the art for modern and minimally invasive esthetic dentistry. For the first time in the history of dental, it is now possible to work with prefabricated veneers made from nano-hybrid composite using modern laser technology. Never before has it been feasible to directly create the natural shape and youthful luminance of a tooth, so easily and perfectly in only one appointment. Its versatile area of application together with its time and cost saving procedure make edelweiss DIRECT VENEERs a sound investment in the future with the best interest of the patient in mind. Convince yourself.

Clinical Cases
Deciduous Incisal Teeth
Before & After / Step By Step

August Blog

August 12, 2019 by Dental Design

Practice News

Last month saw a very busy and productive month at the practice. We welcomed lots of new patients through our doors and provided lots of quality dentistry! We also had lots of in-house training and it was delightful to have Vic back in the building to join us, taking a break from her maternity leave. Jon celebrated another birthday and some of us had some much needed ‘R and R’ and are now re-charged and raring to go again!

So, it’s August already!! Every year I say the same thing – where has this year gone.  As a Mum we are thinking about enjoying the rest of the summer holidays and the imminent back to school jobs to be done.  My eldest son goes into year 3 in September so we had to get him kitted out with all the school sports kit.  Along with this we were told to get him a new school bag and a sports mouth guard.  Obviously, that’s easy for me to arrange but it started a conversation between the Mum’s about the difference between the shop bought one and the professionally fitted ones.

So, here is everything you need to know about mouthguards – from what kinds there are to how to fit one properly – so that you can be sure that your child will be just as safe on the field as they are when off it.

SO, What are sports mouthguards?

Mouthguards are thick plastic protective devices shaped like a dental tray, which form to the shape of the teeth, gums, and mouth.

The mouthguard creates a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to prevent them from crashing together during impact, as well as protecting the teeth from being hit by something outside of the mouth, such as a stick, or ball.

Fortunately, most sports teams recommend or require mouthguards to be used by athletes, but even in the cases where they are not required we still recommend them to be worn at all times – especially during high impact sports.

With the possibility of extensive dental treatment, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

One of the most common sports injuries, and the one with the biggest bill, is damaged teeth.

What types of mouthguards are there?

There are three main types of mouthguards designed specifically to wear while playing sports, ranging in price, comfort level, and level of protection, and leaving room for you to choose which is best for your needs.

Here is what you need to know about each type of mouthguard:

Stock mouthguards (off-the-shelf)

Stock mouthguards are the least expensive option but are also the least protective. These mouthguards come pre-formed and are intended to be ready to use straight from the package. These can be bought at most sporting good stores for anywhere from £4.50  to over £30 depending on the brand and whether or not it is flavoured.

The main issue with stock mouthguards, however, is that because they are not formed to each individual mouth, and are often ill-fitting. This means that they have to be constantly clenched in order to stay in place, which can result in difficulty breathing, as well as jaw and tooth pain, and even a disorder called TMJ which harms the jaw muscles.

Dentists in general do not recommend stock mouthguards because of this, and instead suggest a type of mouthguard that features a snugger fit, such as the types to follow.

Boil and bite mouthguards (also off-the-shelf)

Boil and bite mouthguards are the most popular type of mouthguard as they are also inexpensive and can be purchased at most sporting good stores for under £10, in addition to the fact that they allow a closer fit to the wearer’s mouth.

These mouthguards are to be placed in boiling water for a set amount of time until they are pliable, and are then put into place in the mouth and held there until cooled. The soft plastic forms to the teeth and mouth and hardens in place, creating a custom fit that should stay in place with little pressure needed from the jaw.

Issues that can arise from these types of mouthguards surround the moulding process. If the mouth guard is bitten down on too hard while it is moulding to the shape of teeth, the plastic can become too thin and will either not properly protect teeth upon impact, or may break. This is quite common with dental wear that is fitted by the wearer themselves and not by a professional.

These types of mouthguards generally only last a few seasons in any case as the plastic breaks down quickly due to its pliable nature.

Custom-fit mouthguards (professionally made in a dental practice)

These are the only kinds of mouthguards that dentists recommend using, without reservation. New custom-fitted mouthguards are the best option for optimal comfort, protection, and durability. These mouthguards are professionally fitted to each individual mouth by a dentist and, as a result, can range in price from £50 to £100.

To make these mouthguards your dentist will make a detailed mould of your teeth and then send the mould to a laboratory which specializes in creating dental wear. There, the mouthguard is constructed out of material specified by your dentist, in order to best suit your needs.

These mouthguards provide the best protection for your mouth by far as they will not lose their shape and will provide extra protection where it’s specifically needed. They are also the most durable and long-lasting option.

If you are considering a custom-fit mouthguard for your child, take into consideration their age. These devices aren’t considered investments since your child may grow quickly and require a replacement within a year or two.

So with the balance between safety and affordability on your mind, you might be hesitant to get one at all. And additionally, if your child is prone to, or has had concussions, a custom made mouthguard is vital to provide extra protection which may help to prevent further concussions.

Talk to your dentist

There are many factors to consider when choosing a mouthguard for your child, such as the level of impact involved in the sport your child plays, the expense, comfort and protection levels, and what material will work best for them.

It is always best to have a conversation with your dentist about your options as they can provide advice tailored to you and your specific needs.

So, here is our August offer!
Starting a New Season!

Protect Your Teeth with
a Professionally Fitted Mouthguard

August Special Offer

1 for £45 or 2 for £70

Call us on 01291 622450 to
make your appointment today!


So, here’s to a sunny august and enjoying the rest of the summer!!!

June Blog

June 5, 2019 by Dental Design

The month of May saw our annual practice day at the Dentistry Show in the NEC.  We all had a fabulous time in lectures, keeping our knowledge up to date and had the chance to check out the latest in dental techniques and technology. As a practice we believe that it is really important to stay ahead of the game and it is equally important to enjoy our training as a team.  Can’t wait until next year!

In other news, our lovely Victoria had a baby by and both Mummy and baby (and of course Daddy!!) are healthy and happy.  We are all looking forward to meeting the little fella!

And, so to June! Another month gone and a few new things happening at the practice!

Our new television channel is up and running at the practice.  To keep people in our waiting room entertained we have a new channel.  It plays on a loop and consists of news feeds and sport news feeds with oral health education videos in between, and even a few of our monthly offers, so that our patients can make the most of them.  Check it out next time you are in, we hope you will find the content interesting.

This month it’s all about IMPLANTS!  We have our implant rep from Sweden and Martina coming in to do some staff training with our entire team so that we can all answer any questions that you may have.

Alongside this we have a great offer running of a FREE Implant Consultation.  If you have gaps in your mouth and are wondering if implants are the right solution for you, why not take advantage of this great offer!

Finally, adding another string to our bow is we can now send you leaflets and videos about our treatments via email.  So if you would like any information about any of the treatments that we offer, just drop us a line, with what you would like information on and we will send it straight out to you.

May Blog

May 2, 2019 by Dental Design

So, last month proved to be a really busy for us at Chepstow Dental Care. I was lucky enough to get some time out with the children and we went to France skiing for the week. My children loved it and both are now able to ski pretty well – not bad for 3 and 6. The rest of the practice were working hard in my absence with lots of happy patients!

We held an ‘Invisalign Open Day’ on the Saturday the 13th April. Jon saw lots of patients enquiring about orthodontic treatment most of whom have started their journey to straight, white teeth!

Next was Easter weekend and what a glorious one it was! All of the staff had some well deserved ‘R and R’ in the sun, mostly enjoying family time. Personally, I was on the beach making the most of the beautiful weather!!

On Friday the 27th, we said ‘Au Revoir’, to our wonderful Vic. For those of you that didn’t know, don’t panic, it’s temporary! Vic is going to be off until February next year but you may well see her around the practice on her ‘keeping in touch’ days but we are all going to miss her big personality! We had a lovely afternoon tea at the practice to celebrate the start of Vic’s maternity leave (and anticipated arrival of baby). We all managed to make it, children in tow, and it was lovely to see Margarita with her beautiful baby boy, now 3 ½ months old!!! The Chepstow Dental Care ‘family’ is growing and who knows, there could be a future dentist in the mix!!

And to May….. another month, another great offer.

This month we are shifting our focus to our dental plans. We have bespoke plans at the practice, based on the needs of our patients provided by DPAS. Why are plans important? The main thing in my opinion is our plan patients have healthier mouths! This is because they come regularly (because they are paying for it- and we chase them!) and that problems are spotted earlier and then require less treatment. The health of their gums is better through the regular hygiene appointments and the long term benefits of this are essential for a healthy mouth.

Our plans cover hygiene and dental health checks and the dentist will recommend the level of maintenance that you need. But that’s not all, you also get – routine x-rays, out of hours appointments, world wide emergency cover (for when you are away from home), accidental trauma cover 10% off treatment and assistance if you should develop oral cancer. So, not only healthier mouths but there’s piece of mind too. To take advantage of our monthly offer see our Facebook page for details.

Dental Plans

November 30, 2018 by Dental Design

It’s the end of the year again, where did 2018 go?  Looking at planning for the New Year, why not take a look at this months offer and how our Dental Plans can help you.

Why a Plan?

Plain and simply, our plan patients have HEALTHIER mouths and need LESS TREATMNET.  Research shows that preventive dentistry delivered on a regular basis greatly reduces the risk of dental disease and provides a platform for a lifetime of improved oral health.

Being on a plan generally means that you will visit your dentist more regularly, which in turn means that problems are picked up sooner.  It means that as professionals we build relationships with our patients and are able to have time to talk with them about potential problems and educate them in the best way to look after their teeth.  Regular hygiene appointments keep our gums healthy and you are less likely to suffer from periodontitis, the most common cause of tooth loss in the UK.

What can our payment plan do for you?

This means that you have access to regular private dental care with your dentist and their dental team, helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy now and prevent problems in the future.

But why else should you have a dental payment plan?

Take a look at some of the other benefits of being with us…

  • Preventive oral health advice, to help stop dental problems before they start
  • Predictable monthly payments, allowing you to budget for your private dental care
  • Regular appointments with your registered member dentist which help you to keep your teeth and gums healthy and find out the best care for your smile
  • Early identification of dental problems to prevent pain, discomfort and inconvenience
  • Priority booking in the event of a dental emergency
  • Access to a 24hour dental emergency helpline 365 days per year
  • Assistance from the Worldwide Dental Emergency Assistance Scheme

What do our plans include?

  • 2 dental health examinations per year
  • 2 hygienist appointments a year
  • Xrays when necessary
  • 10%discount on treatment over and above plan content
  • Diet and oral hygiene advice
  • 24hr helpline for dental emergencies at home or abroad

This month only, sign on to our plan in December and get January free

To take advantage of this months offer call 01291 622450

Here’s one from last year!!

Merry Christmas  Everyone!!!

August Offer

July 31, 2018 by Dental Design

Orthodontics (Braces) have come a long way since I was at Dental School! Firstly, it is the norm now for adults of all ages to wear braces as opposed to just children. Secondly “train tracks” are largely a thing of the past and clear discreet aligners are the norm. Invisalign are the leaders in this technology and we are pleased to offer it here at Chepstow Dental Care

This discreet orthodontic technique uses a series of custom-made aligners to gradually move crooked, gappy or crowded teeth to a more desirable position. As it is virtually undetectable way to straighten teeth, it is suitable for adults who may feel self-conscious about wearing very obvious braces.

These innovative aligners can also be taken out, so you can maintain your oral hygiene as normal, eat whatever you choose and remove them for special occasions.


  • Almost invisible
  • Removable
  • Custom-made
  • Comfortable
  • Quick

Treatment steps

  • If you are a suitable candidate for this adult-friendly treatment, we take impressions and photos, and collect other information about your teeth. We then use special 3D technology to create a personalised plan, which shows how your teeth will move and also how they will look after treatment.
  • When the aligners are ready, you will wear a different one every two weeks until the carefully controlled force shifts your teeth to a better position. You may feel minor discomfort when a new aligner is fitted but this is usually just a feeling of pressure and a good indicator that the treatment is working.
  • Treatment times will vary depending on your individual issue, but most cases are completed in 6-12 months. As the aligners only work while you are actually wearing them, we recommend they are kept in place for 22–24 hours per day.


Following treatment, as with all orthodontic methods, you will need to wear a retainer to stop your teeth moving back to their former position.


Dental implants – Introduction

July 2, 2018 by Dental Design

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a tooth root, usually made from titanium. There are many different implant systems available and when competently used they all deliver a highly reliable form of treatment. The main aim during the placement of any implant is to achieve immediate close contact with the surrounding bone. Over time further growth of bone onto the implant surface enhances the stability of the implant.

In order to support replacement teeth, dental implants normally have some form of internal screw thread or post space that allows a variety of components to be fitted. Once fitted, these components provide the foundation for long-term support of crowns, bridges or dentures.

Who is suitable for dental implants?

Dental implants are suitable for most adults with good general health. They can only be used once the jawbone has stopped growing and so generally are not used with younger patients. Habits such as heavy drinking or smoking can increase the number of problems associated with initial healing and thereafter may be bad for the long-term health of gum and bone surrounding each
implant. Some dentists will decline to place implants if smoking cannot be reduced or given up altogether.

However, each case is different and if you do have any medical problems then speak to your doctor or dentist prior to starting any treatment – it is only in some circumstances that health problems prevent the use of dental implants altogether.

How will you know if you are suitable for implants?

At our practice we are passionate about giving our patients as much information as possible about available treatment in order for them to make the right decision for themselves. Everyone’s circumstances, wants and needs are different and what is right for one person is not necessarily the right option for everyone. Our consultation process consists of an initial appointment led by our treatment co-ordinator.

This is a complimentary appointment for you to come and meet our team and get a feel for the practice and gain information about the options available to you and of course, the likely costs. The next step is a consultation with Dr Sian Jones to assess the feasibility of providing implant treatment. At this appointment you will be expected to answer detailed questions concerning your medical history and there will be a complete examination of your mouth and remaining teeth to discover the nature and extent of any current dental problems, and your mouths general health and function.

We usually take clinical photographs, models of your teeth, all necessary radiographs,. It is very important that to us that you have a long term plan for your teeth and your smile, and have an understanding of any future problems or treatment that you may need to have. The fee for this appointment is £90 inclusive of everything detailed above.

For July ONLY we are offering both consultations totally FREE OF CHARGE. Why not take advantage!! Find out more here

June Offer

June 1, 2018 by Dental Design

Ok, so wondering what this month’s offer is about? Let me fill you in!!

When I reached the age of around 30, loads of my friends started asking about anti-wrinkle treatments, when they were about to go on holiday. We all cherish our time off and want to look as good as possible on the beach, wherever it may be! For me, it’s generally West Wales, but hey I get a tan there too!! Most people hit the gym for 6 weeks before their holiday, watch what they eat, and then get ready for basking in the sun. Turns out that squinting and frowning in the sun give you white lines that ruin your otherwise flawless tan!! We all do it!  A good pair of sunglasses help, but ultimately, not squinting or frowning is the best option.

With our anti-wrinkle treatments, I (and lots of my friends) can testify that you don’t get them in the first place.  It’s safe, relatively pain-free and easy to get done! So if you’re worried about those 2 white lines in between your eyes or the potential for a few zebra marks either side of your eyes whilst enjoying your summer sun, give us a call on 01291 622450, there’s 10% off- enjoy!


It’s Wedding Fever!!

May 1, 2018 by Dental Design

With the spring upon us and the summer months encroaching there are lots of us preparing for weddings. As a team we have been busy treating brides and the family members of bride and grooms in preparation for their big days!! We have even been privileged enough of have received an invite to one of our lovely brides weddings and can’t wait to get all dressed up as a team and help celebrate her big day!! (Photo’s to follow!)

I also have a family wedding in the offing. My husband’s sister is tying the knot, so we are wedding fever pitch!! There’s so much to organise in advance but the bridal party looking dapper is of course paramount. My sister in law has the dress sorted, the boys are getting fitted for their suits, hair and make-up has been organised, so, it’s all in hand. I’m currently busy whitening everyone’s teeth, as they all want beautiful smiles for the photos. Looking back at my own wedding I remember having sore cheeks from all the smiling for the photos that immortalise your special day. If you are getting married and are interested in treatment for you and/or the bridal party, check out this month’s offer page.

Then of course , this month we have the BIG ONE- the Royal Wedding. Meghan is set to be a beautiful bride and there is speculation as to what she will wear, there is one thing for sure, she will be sporting her megawatt smile. It is definitely one of her most memorable features.

Why Meghan Markle’s Smile Is So Great

Meghan’s smile is gleaming white, her teeth are perfectly aligned, and their shape is just right in length and width. She knows her teeth look good, and she isn’t shy about showing them off.
Amazing smile pays dividends in photos, makes you seem more approachable and down to earth (even when you’re posing for engagement photos with a prince), and, simply enough, makes you look amazing. No doubt, Meghan’s smile helped her land acting roles, and if she bestowed that smile on Prince Harry, it undoubtedly won him over.

The Evolution of a Smile

If you do a Google search for Meghan Markle’s teeth, you will easily discover grainy high school yearbook photos that show Meghan smiling widely, but with a gap between her front teeth. A round of braces or Invisalign could have tightened up those spaces while a teeth-whitening treatment could have brightened her teeth, because in Meghan’s sorority photos from Northwestern University, she is sporting a flawless, straight, white grin.

The smile Meghan reveals now, however, is likely the product of a smile makeover consisting of porcelein veneers, but, whatever cosmetic dentistry Meghan has had done, it works. Her smile certainly rivals her soon-to-be sister-in-law Kate Middleton, known for her own genuine smile and perfect teeth.

Smile Makeovers for Wanna-Be Royals

You don’t have to be a British royal to qualify for your own smile makeover. In fact, all you need is the desire to look like a healthier, happier, and smarter version of yourself. Maybe teeth whitening is all you need to brighten your look and allow people to overlook a crooked tooth or gapped smile. A perfect smile isn’t necessary, but you may want to consider some orthodontics with the whitening and we can help you choose the best option for you within your budget. Check out our bridal offers page LINK We can’t make any promises that a smile makeover will land you in a castle, but you can feel like a celebrity with a customized smile transformation.

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